Ukrainian IT startup to have attended Collision Conference
May 18, 2015

Pri-Num (Prime Numbers) is the first Ukrainian IT startup to have attended Collision Conference (Las Vegas, NV), which attracts representatives from Google, Facebook, Nasdaq, Forbes, The Financial Times, and The Wall Street Journal.

Collision Conference is organized by a major European IT conference – Web Summit, which The Wall Street Journal calls “Davos for geeks” and The New York Times – “a grand conclave of the tech industry’s high priests”.

Pri-Num was founded in June 2013 in Kyiv by Eugene Zimin, an experienced IT entrepreneur, and a team of top experts in mobile commerce.

“We are certainly proud to have been selected among the best startups in the world. It’s about time for the Ukrainian developers to declare themselves in full-scale, demonstrating everything that they can offer to the world. During our 10 days trip to California, Pri-Num’s team held meetings with new partners and potential investors. We are particularly encouraged by a personal meeting with the senior vice president of Infrastructure, Google”.

Eugene Zimin

Pri-Num has developed a platform for mobile commerce— PrimeKit* (patent pending), which is focused on providers of mobile wallets: mobile operators, banks and merchants. PrimeKit* allows them to deploy their own efficient solutions for mobile wallets and enables owners of mobile devices with a wallet to safely use digital keys to access different mobile services: payments for goods and services, loyalty programs, access controls, tickets. 

The platform also allows existing mobile applications to access digitized cards stored in a secure domain or downloaded from a cloud storage, and uses different technologies for contactless services: Near Field Communications (NFC), Host Card Emulation (HCE), bar codes and QR-codes.  

“We try to connect merchants and consumers in the most efficient and mutually valuable way by leveraging data science and behavioral analytics. Our long-term goal is to create an integrated social network where users of mobile wallets will be able to exchange, convert and share assets to collect and data analysis and scoring”.

Eugene Zimin

About conference Collision

Collision conference created by the founders of the Web Summit is held annually in Tony Hsieh’s Downtown Project in Las Vegas, Nevada. In just 4 years Web Summit has become one of the biggest tech conferences in Europe and attracts over 20 000 visitors from all over the world annually. Collision is a completely new type of a tech conference for America: a meeting place for people who are both building the companies of tomorrow and investors and managers of the most famous IT companies of today.

According to Bloomberg, Collision is annually visited by hundreds of IT companies, with a total capitalization of more than a quarter of a trillion dollars.

1. PrimeKit  — as of 2017, Digital Enablement Platform